The Environment Network is a non-profit organization that works with communities, the public, and all levels of government to ensure a healthy and sustainable natural, physical, cultural, social and economic environment.
"Enough for all, Forever"

Explorations Green introduces campers to the many trail systems, parks, and public spaces that our area has to offer. Under the guidance of trained counselors, campers discover the different relationships between people and the environment while experiencing numerous ways to enjoy nature.
Summer 2025
are on hold.
There are different grant programs available to Homeowners, depending on eligibility. Currently, the Oil to heat pump program from Natural Resources Canada, the Energy Affordability Program from Save on Energy, and the Home Winterproofing program from Enbridge Gas are available to Ontario residents.
Click here to learn more
We currently operate two community gardens located at Sunset Point and at Heritage Park. We have just recently installed a Commercial Kitchen at the Collingwood Youth Centre, where in partnership with Elephant Thoughts we can use these locations to provide food to our community, stock the community fridge, and offer culinary classes.