Collingwood Community Gardens and Local Food Security
Over 10 years ago, The Environment Network staff and board members completed training through The Natural Step. This training taught The Environment Network that without meeting the basic needs of individuals, families and the community caring for our environment would not be possible. These basic needs are, Subsistence, Protection, Participation, Leisure, Creativity, Affection, Understanding, Identity, and Freedom. Only the way in which we satisfy these needs changes from culture to culture.
In every program we offer, we look at the natural, physical, social, economic and cultural needs of our community. We recognize everyone deserves to be included in all we do.
Our newest initiatives will focus on addressing the Food Security needs of our community.
We will be building and managing a Greenhouse located on the 10th line in Collingwood. We currently operate two community gardens located at Sunset Point and at Heritage Park. We have just recently installed a Commercial Kitchen at the CYC, where in partnership with Elephant Thoughts we can use these locations to provide food to our community, stock the community fridge, and offer culinary classes.
Keep an eye on the website and quarterly newsletters for updates and information on how you can get involved!
Our Vision: Enough for all, Forever
Follow Along with the Communities Gardens and Greenhouse Developments